Herbal Treatments for Gonorrhea

TAHUKAH Anda ternyata obat herbal untuk penyakit Gonorrhea ada di Indonesia, dan semuanya adalah tanaman asli dari Indonesia, kecuali minyak zaitun, yang memang harus didatangkan dari Timur Tengah, atau semenanjung Asia Selatan dan Asia Tengah.

Bahkan menurut sebuah situs Buddha Herbs, yang kini populer dijadikan rujukan oleh Amerika Serikat, obat herbal Gonorrhea terdiri dari Minyak Zaitun, Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) atau Minyak Kelapa Asli, Ekstrak Kulit Manggis, Buah Sirsak dan Bawang Putih, termasuk yang terakhir Cuka Apel. Wow, mudah sekali bukan?

Tapi mengapa belum populer di Indonesia? Untuk itulah website ini dijadikan rujukan sebagai bantuan informasi bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengatasi penyakit menular seksual yang membahayakan ini, dimana penyakit Gonorrhea atau sering disebut GO termasuk penyakit kedua paling sering dilaporkan di Amerika Serikat. Kita tahu bukan betapa gaya hidup seks bebas di sana? Sedikitnya ada 340 ribu kasus Gonorrhea.

Agar Anda waspada, penyakit menular seksual (PMS) Gonorrhea ini, tidak hanya tampak di sekitar kelamin, tapi juga rongga mulut mulai dari bibir hingga ke dalam mulut. Sungguh sangat menggangu dan membuat penderita merasa depressi bukan?

Dan yang lebih mengkuatirkan adalah telah ditemukan bukti sejak tahun 2012 ternyata obat antibiotika seperti penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline dan doxycycline kini sudah tidak mampu lagi mengatasi meluasnya bakteri penyebab GO, bakteri Neisseria (keren banget namanya?) Waduh? Ini sudah bikin kita jiper bukan? Pastinya si bakteri penyebab GO juga untuk virus penyebab Sipilis, mungkin sudah bermutasi (kita bisa menyebutnya berevolusi barang kali?) jadi bakteri dan virus superhero seperti X-Men, Gaes! Jadi mereka lebih kebal dengan antibiotik jadul tersebut.

Sungguh ini bukan kabar baik, tapi untungnya Allah masih memberi kita kesempatan untuk bertaubat dengan adanya obatan herbal. Tentunya bukan untuk bisa mengulangi dosa kita lagi bukan sehingga kita lagi-lagi ketularan GO atau Sipilis atau Klamidia. Karena secara medis, sudah terbukti mereka yang pernah terkena GO, Sipilis dan Klamidia tidak menunjukkan kekebalan jika tertular kembali. Emangnya Supermankebal segala macam tembakan?

Intinya adalah, sangat disarankan bagi penderita GO maupun Sipilis dan Klamidia untuk memperbanyak asupan Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Asam amino dan Seng. Ingat bukan pagar seng proyek pembangunan properti di dekat tempat tinggal Anda. Kenapa? Repot ngunyahnya.

Berikut artikel asli yang kami ambil dari situs aslinya bukan situs penggalian tulang dinosaurus lah.

An estimated 340,000 cases of Gonorrhea were reported in the US making it the country’s second most commonly reported disease.

With the rate of Gonorrhea and related infections increasing every year, the search for herbal treatments is in full swing.

But just how effective are herbal treatments for Gonorrhea? While there are a number of herbal treatments that are considered effective for treating Gonorrhea, is herbal treatment alone enough? These questions require us to take a deeper look into the disease, its diagnosis and treatment options.

What is Gonorrhea?
Alternatively known as “Clap”, Gonorrhea is a contagious infection that is sexually transmitted and can affect both men and women. The bacteria, known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae passes through any type of sexual contact with an infected person. In general, this bacterium thrives in warm and moist areas of the human body. The primary target areas of this infection is the throat, rectum or urethra and for women, the cervix.

Do I have Gonorrhea?
One of the things that make it difficult to diagnose Gonorrhea is the fact that the signs and symptoms are initially quite mild, especially in women. It may take up to 10 days for the effects of this infection to properly manifest clearly. Early signs for women include a burning sensation while urinating, bleeding during intercourse and a yellow vaginal discharge. For men the symptoms include penile pain, pus from the penis, swollen testicles and a burning sensation from urinating. A recent study also discovered Gonorrhea is increasingly causing throat infections as well.

Of course, the first thing you need to do if you develop such symptoms is to visit your doctor so that he may conduct a proper diagnosis and then follow whatever treatment options you have for Gonorrhea.

Drug Therapy for Gonorrhea
More often than not, the conventional treatment of Gonorrhea involves the use of antibiotics. One of the issues with this disease is that it leads to various other infections, out of which Chlamydia is the most common. So your treatment may also have some drugs targeted towards the treatment of Chlamydia as well.

There are also a number of factors that determine what kind of treatment you will be prescribed. For example, if the infection is transmitted through the throat then the drug therapy is likely to be more extensive. Regardless of the prescription drugs you are advised to take by your doctor, regulating your diet is also most likely going to be a part of the treatment. Fresh fruits, vegetables and plenty of fluids are generally prescribed. A new kind of treatment that takes inspiration from cancer therapy has also been in the works for Gonorrhea. This study talks about the progress being made in that direction.

Also important is abstinence from having any kinds of sexual intimacy with your partner so as to prevent the condition from worsening or further spreading the infection to your partner.

Traditional treatment for Gonorrhea has been losing its grounds however. In 2012 for example, it was discovered that the most commonly used medicines for Gonorrhea, like penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline and doxycycline were all becoming ineffective one after the other. With Gonorrhea evading most antibiotics, the search for herbal treatments for this particular infection has increased. And so has the need.

This is not to say that all traditional treatments have lost their powers against Gonorrhea. There are some drugs that show promise but we are still a long ways away from having a new treatment regimen for gonorrhea, and in that respect natural remedies can play an important part in treatment. Furthermore, with evidence showing how single treatment options for gonorrhea are not effective, backed by the CDC recommendations for combination therapy, one can safely say nature’s miracles definitely have a very important role to play.

Herbal Treatment for Gonorrhea- What all can you do?
As always, nature has a few miracles to help you deal with Gonorrhea. Since treatment of Gonorrhea involves regulating your diet as well, in most cases, proper treatment involves making use of herbal remedies alongside antibiotics and other medicines prescribed by your doctor.

So what are some of the most common herbal treatments for Gonorrhea?

Guyabano Fruit for Gonorrhea
One of the most commonly used herbal treatments for Gonorrhea is to make use of Guyabano fruit or sour soup. This is a rather simple herbal remedy that can easily be administered at home as it involves extracting the juice of Guyabano fruit and orally consuming it. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C, B1 and B12 all of which help to curtail the spread of Gonorrhea.

Garlic Treatment for Gonorrhea
The wonder herb garlic, rich with anti-bacterial properties also makes the list. You can speed your recovery from Gonorrhea by consuming lots of raw garlic pods or alternatively make use of garlic in every meal that you prepare. Another way to administer garlic is to ground it into a fresh paste and apply the lotion to all the affected areas of your body. Additionally, you may benefit from the consumption of garlic supplements.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Gonorrhea
Commonly used to treat bacterial infections like seborrheic dermatitis, apple cider vinegar is also a well-know cure for Gonorrhea. The ideal way to administer this herbal remedy is to mix up about a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with coconut oil and absorb the mixture into a fresh tampon. The apple cider vinegar soaked tampon then needs to be placed in your vagina but can also be used externally. You can do that by mixing about one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in your bath water.

Mangosteen for Gonorrhea
Mangosteen, also known as Garcinia Mangostana is a common herbal remedy for Gonorrhea. However, this Southeast Asian fruit is a rare find. With its white fleshy center, the fruit is known for its rich anti-bacterial properties. The recommended way to administer this is to extract the juice and consume it orally.

Tea Tree Oil for Gonorrhea
Another easy to administer home remedy for Gonorrhea is the use of tea tree oil. This is particularly effective for treating the infection in women. Similar to the procedure mentioned above for apple cider vinegar, the way to administer this remedy is to mix it with coconut oil and let the mixture absorb in a tampon that you’ll have to use.

The important thing to understand is that the above mentioned natural remedies work because of their anti-bacterial properties and vitamin-rich nature. Regulating your diet to include foods that are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Zinc and Amino Acids is also just as effective and important as experimenting with all of the above mentioned herbal remedies.

Gonorrhea is a serious disease and requires proper medical care, particularly because of the additional infections that it may lead to. While nature’s miracles are bound to benefit your condition keep in mind that the the real cure is actually safer sex practices.

Source: http://blog.buddhasherbs.com

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